Materials—Coats & Clark’s ONT Speed-Cro-Sheen Mercerized Cotton, Art. C.44,: 1 ball of No 12 Black and 2 Balls of No. 123-A Flamingo. Milwards Steel Crochet Cook, No. 2/0 (double zero). Scraps of black, white and red felt. 1/8 yard organdy material. Cotton batting (or polyester fiberfill, these days).
Gauge—11 sc make 2 inches and 11 rnds make 2 inches.
HEAD—Starting at nose with Flamingo, ch 4.
1st Row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across. Ch 1, turn.
2nd – 3rd Rows: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Now work in rnds as follows:
1st Rnd: Sc in next 2 sc (top), 2 sc in next sc (an inc—corner), make 5 sc closely along side edge; working along opposite side of starting chain, make sc in each ch across, 5 sc closely along edge at next side.
2nd Rnd: Inc 1 sc in next sc (corner), sc in next 2 sc, in 1 sc in next sc, sc in each remaining sc around.
3rd Rnd: Sc in each sc around. Repeat 3rd rnd once more.
Next Rnd: Sc in each sc around, increasing 1 sc at both corners at top of face. Repeat last 3 rnds once more.
Next Rnd: (Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) 5 times; sc in each remaining sc, ending with 2 sc in last sc.
Following Rnd: Sc in each sc around, increasing 6 sc evenly spaced across top of face. Repeat last rnd until there are 45 sc on rnd.
Next Rnd: Sc in each sc around, increasing 3 sc evenly across top of face. Now work without increasing until 22 rnds in all have been completed.
Next Rnd: Sc in each sc around, decreasing 8 sc evenly spaced—10 dec 1 sc, work off 2 sc at 1 sc. Repeat last rnd until 8 sts remain, at same time stuffing Head very firmly. Break off at end of last rnd, leaving a 10-inch strand. Thread into a needle and draw remaining sts together.
EAR—(Make 2)—Starting at center with Flamingo, ch 16.
1st Row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, ending with 3 sc in last ch (tip); now, working along opposite side of starting chain, make sc in each ch across. Ch 1, turn.
2nd Row: Sc in each sc around, making 2 sc in each sc of the 3-sc group at tip. Ch 1, turn.
3rd Row: Sc in each sc around, increasing 3 sc evenly spaced around tip. Ch 1, turn. Repeat 3rd row 3 more times. Break off at end of 6th row. Gather narrow ends of ears slightly and sew to sides of Head as illustrated.
BODY—Starting at neck with Black, ch 4. Join with a sl st to form a ring.
1st Rnd: 6 sc in ring.
2nd Rnd: 2 sc in each sc around.
3rd Rnd: * Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc. Repeat from * around.
4th Rnd: Sc in each sc around, increasing 6 sc evenly spaced. Repeat 4th rnd until there are 36 sc on rnd.
Next Rnd: Sc in each sc around, increasing 2 sc evenly spaced. Work without increasing until 19 rnds have been completed.
Next Rnd: (Dec 1 sc, sc in each of next 3 sc) 4 times; dec 1 sc (front section), sc in each remaining sc.
Following Rnd: Sc in each sc, decreasing 5 sc evenly spaced across front. Work without decreasing for 4 more rnds. Break off at end of last rnd. Attach Flamingo and continue to work without decreasing for 13 rnds.
Next Rnd: Sc in each sc around, decreasing 7 sc evenly spaced. Repeat last rnd until 7 sc remain, at the same time stuffing Body very firmly. Complete as for Head. Sew Head to Body as illustrated.
COAT TAIL (Make 2)—With Black, ch 16. Work as for Ear until 6 rows have been completed. Break off. Sew narrow ends of each Tail to last Black rnd on back of Body.
HIND LEG (Make 2): Staring at bottom with Flamingo, ch 2.
1st Rnd: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook.
2nd Rnd: Sc in each sc around.
3rd Rnd: Sc in each sc around, increasing 3 sc evenly spaced. Repeat 2nd and 3rd rnds alternately until there are 24 sc on rnd.
Next Rnd: Sc in each sc around, decreasing 6 sc evenly spaced. Repeat last rnd until 6 sc remain, stuffing Legs very firmly. Complete as for Body.
FRONT LEGS (Make 2)—Work as for Hind Leg until 4 rnds have been completed. Break off, attach Black and continue to work as for Hind Leg until there are 18 sc on rnd. Now dec as for Hind Leg and complete in same manner. Sew Legs to Body as illustrated.
TAIL—Starting at tip with Flamingo ch 2.
1st Rnd: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook.
2nd Rnd: Sc in each sc around, increasing 1 sc. Repeat 2nd rnd until there are 12 sc on rnd. Work without increasing until tail measures 6 ½ inches in all. Break off. Stuff firmly and sew in place.
COLLAR—With pinking shears, cut organdy 4 by 22 inches. Fold length-wise in half and gather along the fold to fit around the neck. Sew in place.
Cut 2 white felt ovals for eyes. Sew in place. Cut 2 black circles for pupils and sew to eyes. Cut a black felt heart and sew to tip of nose. Cut tongue of red felt and sew in place.Materials—Coats & Clark’s ONT Speed-Cro-Sheen Mercerized Cotton, Art. C.44,: 1 ball of No 12 Black and 2 Balls of No. 123-A Flamingo. Milwards Steel Crochet Cook, No. 2/0 (double zero). Scraps of black, white and red felt. 1/8 yard organdy material. Cotton batting (or polyester fiberfill).
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